Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Good Online Privacy News

Well, it appears that  Bill C-30, the so-called "Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act" has been dealt a big setback and a bigger headache for Vic Toews who was forced to publicly admit that he was not aware of the specific provisions of it. Between that and his simplistic statements which is rousing even Conservatives against, things are looking up for this privacy invasion to be forced into something more reasonable. At least the online protest has made its point and the poster of the Viki Leaks at least had the sense to take it down with that.

The problem is now the police chiefs are trying to support it now. When cops say that the public has no need to fear them, that's when I get concerned of what they truly want. I had no problem of them supporting the long gun registry considering that is little different from checking automotive license records, both are reasonable measures for those are possessing potentially dangerous objects of those who knowingly gain such objects.

Spying into other people's online activity is another entirely as there is no direct harm without proactive activity like hacking or viruses.  As Rick Mercer says, I don't mind police investigating when necessary, but they should justify it to get a warrant first.

At least, this political dust might help the Conservatives keep to their public statement to not copy SOPA, at least exactly, here.

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