Tuesday, May 01, 2012

A statement of critical purpose.

I've heard there have been a few comments about my theatrical reviewing style and I thought I'd like to give what you could call a statement of purpose.

First, I have always endeavoured to be frank and fair in my reviews, whether or not the companies have been soon generous to provide comp tickets, where I attempt to explain my opinions with hopefully a comprehensive amount of detail.  If it seems I'm resting my eyes at times as I focus on the dialogue or seem fidgety in the audience during performances, that is why I prefer to be seated in the back rows of live performances where I can relax without being obtrusive or disruptive by some definitions to the best of my ability.

Second, I have always tried to gear my expectations and criticisms accordingly to the type of performance offered.  For one thing, I steer clear of reviewing children's performances and shows put on by most educational based organizations like Original Kids. Taking my cue from OK's management's request I have understood that reviews of individual performances would be counterproductive since singling out performances would be harmful for higher purpose of the show.

To a lesser degree, I try to give some consideration for amateur productions like the London Community Players shows, since the expectations for professionalism should taken with the some degree of understanding.  However, the players are adults and I feel I can speak my mind to a reasonable degree.

However, I am given to understand most of the shows performed at other venues like The Arts Project and the McManus Theatre are put on by local companies that are semi-professional in nature like Passionfool and Theatre Soup. To me, that makes them fair game for me to comment about their quality as I see fit as much as the full professional productions.

For instance, I understand one actor whose performance was I wholly dissatisfied recently with is a card carrying member of Canadian Equity, or some similar professional actors organization. If that is correct, then my commentary should be expected as part of the territory.  If anything, as much I have rarely been satisfied with that particular company's more recent productions, I was truly impressed by the quality of their latest show that it is all the more disappointing that such an apparent pillar of the local theatrical scene did not live up to the high standard displayed.

I have tried to be part of this artist community in the only way I think I can at present.  I have tried to be fair and insightful, but you have a comment with my methods and opinions, more of you should contact to me directly instead of my publishers.  I have made my commentary public, and I don't think expecting the same consideration from more others is too much to ask.

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